[Scribus] suggestions
Patrick Ley
Wed Aug 6 00:20:14 CEST 2003
hello list,
i would like to make some suggestions, too.
according to all the import-filter-wishes (quark, pagemaker, indesign) i would
like to add corel-draw and adobe-illustrator-files and
macromedia-freehand-files to those, which are also worth to think about as
maybe - to avoid a too much fragmented discussion on the
import-export-certain-file-types - it could be useful to discuss this with a
single "thread"
there could firstly all wishes for supported file-types be collected, then in
a second step be disccussed form several point of views (and maybe voted?)
and then become part of a todo-list or let's better say a list of "wishes for
certain file-types to be supported"
what do the other listies think about this?
according to all the other dtp-proggis i'm using over the past years, there
where always some options integrated in those programs to handle the so
called "bleed-limit" of pages.
i didn't find a similar function in scribus - so i think the workaorund for a
while will be to make the page-size increase on the amount of the bleed-limit
i would like to have, and then adding "borders" for my pages.....
...but as far as i know it from many other commercial (so called
professional-dtp-software) programs, it is handled like this:
the page is setup and displayed the size it will be after being printed and
being cut. so you let all objects in your layout "hang out" a little over the
page-edge. when publishing/exporting/printing/making films of it, you tell in
some dialog-boxes your proggi how many millimeters this bleed limit is (in
most cases something between 1 and 5 mm) and the proggi prepares the
outhanded data with an increase at the edges with these given amount.
is a similiar function planned for scribus or will it be like i described it
in my supposed "workaround" for it?
best regards,
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