[Scribus] a quick question

Paul paulf.johnson
Mon May 5 02:25:54 CEST 2003


> I tried the version you compiled, and after opening enough documents (about 
> 20), got it to do the same thing.

Sounds like that's an improvement at least ;-)

> I did get some errors in the 
> console this time and have attached them in a file.

These look to be Qt problems rather than scribus ones, but I'll check
them out anyway.

> One reason why my 
> system could be slightly different than yours is that I upgraded my system 
> from redhat 8.0 to redhat 9.

Nope. That's the way I did it.

> Because of this, I check what versions of qt I 
> had in /usr/lib and I have 2.3.1, 3.0.5, and 3.1.  Let me know if any of 
> this if cruft left over from the 8.0 install, and if it is , I will delete 
> it and see how that affects things.

Doesn't make any difference. Unless you tell ./configure differently, it
will have gone to QTDIR (terminal window, type echo $QTDIR - it should
say /usr/lib/qt-3.1 unless you've compiled Qt yourself in which case,
that will be something like /usr/local/lib/qt)

Just a strawclutcher here - what is the spec of your machine (memory &



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Which don't allow people to choose.
Wars are fought to topple these people.
Yet the folks who do this, still use Windows.
Double standards or not understanding why they did it?

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