[Scribus] Scripting
Randolph Bentson
Wed Sep 10 18:19:51 CEST 2003
On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 07:19:25AM -0400, Marshall Lake wrote:
> Can someone briefly explain to me the advantages of scripting in Scribus?
> I have never used Python. Would it be worth my while to learn the
> language in order to do scripting on Scribus? Is scripting on Scribus
> available in any other languages?
I used scripting to typeset much of my wife's cookbook. The scripts
extracted structured text which she wrote, one recipe per file, and
put it on pages in the cookbook. (See attached program.)
As is true for most programs, were I to do it again ("refactoring"
in today's jargon), the program and process would have a somewhat
different form. The important point here is that the script made
it possible to import these files and deal with them correctly.
(I've a list of scripting features I'd like to see, but that's
another topic.)
I've also been using Scribus to write a monthly newsletter. You
can find issues at http://grieg.holmsjoen.com/NWMultihull/, but
I ask that you only pick up a small issue. I've also put the .scd
for one of these issues in the same directory for your consideration.
I've used a simple script to add page numbers, but now that I have
learned of the special tags one can use, this may be cast aside.
Randolph Bentson
bentson at holmsjoen.com
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python
Extract recipe from TXT file and place it onto a
page appended to current Scribus document.
import os
import sys
import scribus
pagewidth = 396
pageheight = 612
in_margin = 56
out_margin = 18
t_margin = 72
b_margin = 18
filenamelist = "input.files"
def fix(lines):
str = ''.join(lines)
str = str.replace("\xe2\x80\x93","-") # ??? dash
str = str.replace("\xe2\x80\x98","'") # ??? open quote
str = str.replace("\xe2\x80\x99","'") # ??? close quote
str = str.replace("\xe2\x80\x9c","\"") # ??? open double quote
str = str.replace("\xe2\x80\x9d","\"") # ??? close double quote
str = str.replace("\xc3\x89","E") # ?? E-acute
str = str.replace("\xc3\xa9","e") # ?? e-acute
str = str.replace("\xc3\xa8","e") # ?? e-grave
str = str.replace("\xc3\xb1","n") # ?? enya
str = str.replace("\xc3\xb1","??") # Registered Trademark
str = str.replace("\r\n","\n") # DOS to Unix line structure
return str
def get_recipe(filename):
''' Get six major elements of recipe from TXT or DOC file.'''
# find file -- use .txt file if it is more recent than .doc file
altfilename = filename.replace(".doc",".txt")
if os.path.exists(altfilename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
astat = os.stat(altfilename)
bstat = os.stat(filename)
if astat[8] > bstat[8]:
fd = open(altfilename,'r')
print "using %s" % altfilename
# I was surprised when this failed
# fd = os.popen("/home/bentson/bin/antiword '%s'" % filename,'r')
# because there was a "'" in the filename
fd = os.popen('/home/bentson/bin/antiword "%s"' % filename,'r')
print "using %s" % filename
fd = open(altfilename,'r')
print "using %s" % altfilename
if os.path.exists(filename):
fd = os.popen('/home/bentson/bin/antiword "%s"' % filename,'r')
print "using %s" % filename
raise OSError
lines = fd.readlines()
line = 0
(title, introduction, servings, ingredients,
instructions, nutrition, suggestions) =\
([''], [''], [''], [''], [''], [''], [[''],[''],],)
# first non-blank line is title
while lines[line] == "\n" or lines[line] == "\r\n":
# above test should really be for whitespace only line
line = line + 1 # eat blank lines
line = line + 1
# The following repeated idiom should be moved to a function!!!
# non-blank lines up to "Servings:" are introduction
while lines[line].find('Servings') == -1:
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
# non-blank lines up to "Ingredients" are servings
while lines[line].find('Ingredients') == -1:
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
line = line + 1 # skip line which says 'Ingredients'
# non-blank lines up to "Instructions" are ingredients
while lines[line].find('Instructions') == -1:
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
line = line + 1 # skip line which says 'Instructions'
# non-blank lines up to "Nutritional Information" are instructions
while lines[line].find('Nutritional Information') == -1:
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
line = line + 1 # skip line which says 'Nutritional Information'
# non-blank lines up to "Suggest...." are nutritional information
while lines[line].find('Suggest') == -1:
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
line = line + 1
# remaining non-blank lines are suggestions
while line < len(lines):
if lines[line] != "\n" and lines[line] != "\r\n":
line = line + 1
return (fix(title), fix(introduction),
fix(servings), fix(ingredients),
fix(instructions), fix(nutrition),
[fix(suggestions[0]), fix(suggestions[1]),])
# Emit appropriate Scribus commands for each of blocks.
fontname = {}
fontsize = {}
align = {}
fontname['title']="Times Bold"
align['title'] = scribus.Centered
fontname['subtitle']="Times Bold"
align['subtitle'] = scribus.LeftAlign
fontname['italic']="Times Medium Italic"
align['italic'] = scribus.LeftAlign
fontname['regular']="Times Medium"
align['regular'] = scribus.LeftAlign
fontname['small']="Times Medium Italic"
align['small'] = scribus.LeftAlign
def insert_block(what,where,str):
"stuff multiple lines of text in newly formed text block"
x,y,lines = where
h = (fontsize[what] * leading ) * lines + descender
w = pagewidth - in_margin - out_margin
ob = scribus.CreateText(x,y,w,h,hex(hash(str)))
scribus.SetText(str, ob)
return h
def one_page(pagenum, title, introduction,
servings, ingredients, instructions,
nutrition, suggestions):
if pagenum % 2:
x = in_margin
x = out_margin
y = t_margin
d_h = insert_block('title',(x,y,1),title)
y = y + d_h + para_break
lc = introduction.count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('italic',(x,y,lc), introduction)
y = y + d_h + para_break
lc = servings.count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('regular',(x,y,lc),servings)
y = y + d_h + para_break
d_h = insert_block('subtitle',(x,y,1),"Ingredients")
y = y + d_h
lc = ingredients.count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('regular',(x,y,lc), ingredients)
y = y + d_h + para_break
d_h = insert_block('subtitle',(x,y,1),"Instructions")
y = y + d_h
lc = instructions.count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('regular',(x,y,lc), instructions)
y = y + d_h + para_break
d_h = insert_block('subtitle',(x,y,1),"Nutritional Information")
y = y + d_h
lc = nutrition.count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('small',(x,y,lc), nutrition)
y = y + d_h + para_break
if suggestions[0] != '':
d_h = insert_block('subtitle',(x,y,1),suggestions[0])
y = y + d_h
lc = suggestions[1].count('\n')
d_h = insert_block('small',(x,y,lc), suggestions[1])
y = y + d_h
if __name__ == "__main__" and scribus.HaveDoc():
#import time
#start_at = time.time()
para_break = 5#11
leading = 1.1 # to make large pages fit? 1.2
descender = 7
firstpagenum = scribus.PageCount()
fd = open(filenamelist,'r')
lines = fd.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[0] == '#':
filename = line.strip()
(title, introduction, servings,
ingredients, instructions, nutrition,
suggestions) = get_recipe(filename)
pagenum = scribus.PageCount()
#print '>',pagenum,'<'
#print '>',title,'<'
#print '>',introduction,'<'
#print '>',servings,'<'
#print '>',ingredients,'<'
#print '>',instructions,'<'
#print '>',nutrition,'<'
#print '>',suggestions[0],'<'
#print '>',suggestions[1],'<'
one_page(pagenum, title, introduction,
servings, ingredients, instructions,
nutrition, suggestions)
except OSError:
print "Error error processing %s" % filename
scribus.GotoPage(firstpagenum + 1)
#done_at = time.time()
#elapsed = done_at - start_at
#print "used %d seconds" % elapsed
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