[Scribus] Installing Scribus on OSX

zaxi zaxi_mailer
Thu Apr 8 01:48:08 CEST 2004

Hi Louis (just because I promised, not because the other explications 
were insufficient)

Install the Apple X11 User (dl from Apple.com). Install the XCode CD. 
Watch out, do a customized install including X11SDK and the 10.3SDK 
(off by default), update do XCode 1.1 if you haven't got it on CD, but 
DO NOT install the longbranch update. Then run the script 
/sw/lib/fink/postinstall.pl (by typing sudo ./postinstall.pl when in 
the directory). After that, run ?fink selfupdate? in a Terminal window.
Tell fink to use the unstable packages, you can do that in the 
FinkCommander Preferences in the Fink pane.

Then you're all set, you'll find scribus in FinkCommander. It will 
install all necessary packages, don't worry about downloading anything 
elsewhere. Start to compile, and don't count for it to be finished 
before a couple of hours (like 6 or 7 on my powerbook).

Have lots of fun.


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