[Scribus] (perhaps a bug?) one eps file exported from scribus could not insert into oowriter

Zhang Weiwu zhangweiwu
Wed Dec 8 08:13:56 CET 2004

David Purton wrote:

>On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 01:39:07PM +1030, David Purton wrote:
>>Wow, gopher protocal. It's been ages since I even seen it, and never
>>used it. I can't make the link work. firefox, lynx, and curl give errors
>>when trying to download it. Is there a secret to downloaded stuff using
>Ah - now I got it - maybe you hadn't put it up when I first tried.
Yes. I found I forgot to put it up, when I saw your complaint. Sorry^_^

>hmmm - Strange file.
>It does indeed crash gsview. Corel's interpreter does not like it
>distiller creates a pdf, and gs can make a jpeg - but neither file seems
>to look all that right to me - bits missing. What's it supposed to look
Yes, this is supposed to used for a background for my company's 
publications, so the file should be empty, only with a few pictures and 
color blocks.
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