[Scribus] cvs or debian = no CMS!?

Daniel Andor da209
Thu Jul 22 02:53:52 CEST 2004

Hi All,

I'm struggling to get lcms working.  I've tried both the source distribution 
as well as the debian `cvs' package, but colour management appears to be 
switched off.

However, liblcms1 is clearly linked in (in both cases), and ltrace scribus 
reveals that some CMS functions are indeed called on startup:

cmsOpenProfileFromFile(0x0853de80, 0x083359c9, 0, 0, 10) = 0x086848b8
cmsTakeProductDesc(0x086848b8, 0x083359c9, 0, 0, 10) = 0x400f35a0
cmsGetDeviceClass(0x086848b8, 0xbffff230, 0, 0, 10) = 0x6d6e7472
cmsCloseProfile(0x086848b8, 0xbffff230, 0, 0, 10) = 1
[repeated 3 more times]

But none of the CMS options are available!  What could be going wrong?  What 
else can the functioning or nonfunctioning of CMS functions depend on?

Daniel, who would like to create press-ready PDFs...

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