[Scribus] bad trouble: could not print at all.

Zhang Weiwu zhangweiwu
Thu Sep 9 04:44:20 CEST 2004

Wayne Maeda wrote:

>>>As a general note, printing to PS 2 level lasers sometimes can be
>>>very slow from DTP apps. I've seen this with both Quark 4 and 5,
>>>as well as PM 7. DTP apps in general create more complex PS
>>>output than other apps.
>>Is there easy workaround? The publications can be sent to press
>>house for final printing, however I wish it is possible to alway
>>print a draft on my LaserJet. Don't you creat draft on a desktop
>>printer by chance just to see how it looks like? :-)
>>Thank you:)
>When I can't print from Scribus I export it as an eps file and use 
>ghostscript from the command line:
>gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=lj5mono -sPAPERSIZE=letter -dDITHERPPI=100 
>-r1200 -sOUTPUTFILE=\|lpr yourfile.eps -c quit
>You will have to adjust the -sDEVICE= to your own printer; I use a HP 
>Laserjet 1300.

Just wanna know: are you sure this works on ps level 2 printers?

Just FYI: I workarouded this problem by using ps2ps (detail see bug 
<http://bugs.scribus.net/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=0001047> )

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