[Scribus] this whole wiki thing

Thomas R. Koll tomk32
Fri Feb 4 08:44:38 CET 2005

On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:55:03PM -0500, Gregory Pittman wrote:
> Ok, a wiki has been established.
> Having done some inspection of various wiki sites, I still have a hard 
> time understanding the concept of a wiki, such as, What is the purpose 
> or point of a wiki?
> I'm not being critical, it's just that I don't understand what a wiki 
> gives us that we didn't already have.

For now it won't be more that writing drafts for new docs, translating them
and such. But in the long run I'm sure that the wiki could be moved to the
main page, of course it's necessary to lock some pages as is in Wikipeida.

Other question: Why a by-nc instead of by-sa? It will get a problem
for publishers using parts of the docs.

ciao, tom
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