[Scribus] Importing EPSF files in Scribus by pstoedit!

Suki Venkat, [TnQ] skvenkat
Mon Jun 13 07:42:13 CEST 2005


Thanks Greg,

Everything is fine now. It is the Fedora default Ghostscript 7.07 that
was probably causing this problem. I think I don't have file a bug on
Scribus. Once I installed all the rpms you have put at
http://www.ucolick.org/~novak/scribus, it still didn't work. I had to
create a link in /usr/lib/ for libpstoedit.so which is
at /usr/local/lib/, then everything works splendidly!
Thanks Greg and everybody for the effort!
No wonder Scribus is such a success!


On Fri, 2005-06-10 at 10:47 -0700, Greg Novak wrote:
> Suki Venkat, [TnQ] writes:
>  > I wanted to import some LaTeX equations into Scribus.
>  > I did "dvips -E file.dvi" to get the EPSF file.
>  > The EPSF file doesn't look nice either in Scribus or PDF.
>  > I suppose like a LaTeX stuff it may print okay!
>  > I would like to try to use "pstoedit", to make it into SVG and import
>  > into Scribus. Unfortunately, while trying to install "pstoedit", I get
>  > one of those infinite loop of dependency problems. I tried "yum
>  > install", "up2date" on my Fedora Core 3 without success.
>  > The site www.pstoedit.net doesn't give source files, so I don't know
>  > what to do. I have gsview, Inkscape installed, but without "pstoedit".
>  > Please help!
> I've been fighting with similar things and here's what I've learned.  
> 1) As already noted, for decent output make sure that the graphic
> isn't being rasterized at some step.
> 2) The version of Ghostview that you have is important.
> 3) To get SVG out of pstoedit, you'll also need to install the
> Gnu plotutils library.
> 4) If you use the computer modern fonts (which, with Latex, you
> probably do) you'll likely need do use the -dt command line option in
> pstoedit, which makes the text into curves.  
> At first, I couldn't get my EPS files to be effectively processed by
> Inkscape, Scribus, _or_ pstoedit.  Basically, I installed a recent
> version of Ghostscript and it solved all of my problems.  
> For my own sanity, I made RPM spec files of the software I needed to
> get this going.  I've put both the binary and source RPMS here:
> http://www.ucolick.org/~novak/scribus
> The RPMS are non-standard in that I designed them to install into
> /usr/local so that I could maintain both the fedora default
> Ghostscript 7.07 and the most recent version of ghostscript, 8.51.
> Thus, the ghostscript RPMS have funny names, gsn-ghostscript (GSN are
> my initials).  You'll also likely need to make sure that
> /usr/local/bin is before /usr/bin in your path so that the new gs is
> found. 
> If you want to do something different, the .spec files should be easy
> to edit.  Then you should be able to build the RPMS with something
> like 'rpmbuild -ba file.spec'  ** I caution you ** to do the builds as
> a regular user, *not* as root.  I blew away /usr/local on my machine
> by misunderstanding one of the spec file variables.  The spec files
> and RPMS work for me, but as always use at your own risk.
> Cheers,
> Greg

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