[Scribus] Re: [pre-Patch] identify Mac fonts

Andreas Vox vox
Sun Mar 20 03:59:43 CET 2005

Hi friends of Mac & fonts!

Here's the next patch to identify font types by content.

Please try to break it, ie. find fonts where it doesn't tell the 
correct type.
Result codes are as follows:

TYP=1 Postscript Type1
TYP=2 Truetype
TYP=3 Opentype

TYP=-1 file not found
TYP=-2 file not readable
TYP=-3 format error
TYP=-4 format not supported


	fontutil <path-to-font>
	fontutil <path-to-font>   <new-font-file>

The second form extracts the font data for embedding; existing files 
get overwritten.

	./fontutil  /Library/Fonts/Arial  ArialCopy.ttf

Haven't tested this part much. In theory it should be able to extract 
TTF/OTF fonts
from .dfont files; and Postscript, TTF and OTF fonts from Mac resource 
forks or

Known issues:

* extracts only the first font if a file contains more than one
* doesn't tell if PFA or PFB
* doesn't check much
* Haven't tested symlinks and aliases

You can compile the file with:

	g++ -o fontutil -I$QTDIR/include -L$QTDIR/lib/ -lqt-mt fontutil.cpp


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