[Scribus] PRINTING Scribus books ?

architetto francesco fantoni francesco
Thu Nov 17 09:42:03 CET 2005

> They have many book sizes (6'x9', 8.5'x11', 9'x7' and a square one) and
> at present the only option is a soft cover, but i've read in their
> support forum that the hardcover option is going to be offered soon.
> Based on my experience i would suggest it.

just an update- they now offer hardcover b&w books as well, i report
from their website:

"Lulu offers 6" x 9" black & white hardcover books with full-color dust
jackets. (8.5" x 11" hardcovers, hardcovers with color interior printing
and casewrap hardcover books are in development.)

The hardcover book inside the dust jacket is bound in navy blue linen.
The only printing on the book itself is a gold foil spine imprint of the
book's title and/or author name."

architetto francesco fantoni
(Hermanitos Verdes Architetti)
l.go san giacomo, 38
I-41100 modena (italia)
tel. & fax. +39.059.217554
e.mail francesco at hv-a.com
web. http://www.hermanitosverdes.com

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