[Scribus] Fonts on Debian (was Re: use fonts from "Xara" in
Tobias Hilbricht
Wed Oct 19 09:08:07 CEST 2005
Am Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2005 20:11 schrieb Paraplegic Racehorse:
> Thomas H?hn wrote:
> >--On Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2005 01:10 -0800 Paraplegic Racehorse
> >dpkg -L $name_of_package
> the apt/dpkg/defoma toolchain
> (33 separate tools?!) Specifically, which man page do I read to _first_
> determine which tool does what?
It is not that complicated. In brief:
* dpkg (Debian package) you can use to install, deinstall and query packages.
See the manpage of dpkg for details
* apt (advanced package tool) comes with various subroutines such as apt-get,
apt-cdrom etc. and is more than just a frontend to dpkg, because it can take
care of package dependencies and solve them automatically
* defoma (Debian font management) registers fonts and is used as I wrote
Example querying and installing fonts with Debian:
In your /etc/apt/sources.list you have the line like
deb ftp://ftp.debian.de/debian sarge main contrib non-free
This tells apt where to look for packages. Then
apt-get update
This updates the list of available packages - in case of a line like above you
have to be online, with apt-cdrom you can use packages from CD-ROMS. Then
apt-cache search truetype
This gives you all available packages which have something to do with
truetype. For example a line
ttf-bitstream-vera - The Bitstream Vera family of free TrueType fonts
dpkg -s ttf-bitstream-vera
This tells you if the package ttf-bitstream-vera is installed on your system
or not. If yes, then
dpkg -L ttf-bitstream-vera
tells you where the files of this package are installed (most often
in /usr/share/fonts, from where there are links to everything that needs to
know about fonts). If ttf-bitstream-vera is not installed, then
apt-get install ttf-bitstream-vera
installs the package (from the internet or from CD-ROM). As ttf-bitstream-vera
is a good Debian font package, it is defomanized on installation, that is,
fontconfig, ghostscript etc. know about the fonts. You dont have to register
them with defoma.
What if the font does not come as a good Debian font package? Then you come
face to face with defoma. Put the font for example in /usr/local/share/fonts
and defomanize in the way I wrote in the other mail.
I hope this helps you a bit. Debian comes with a lot of information in
manpages and /usr/share/doc; there you can find all the details.
Yours sincerely
Tobias Hilbricht
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