[Scribus] Where deleted text goes...
Łukasz Jernaś
Sun Apr 16 21:22:07 CEST 2006
Dnia sobota, 15 kwietnia 2006 23:27, Gregory Pittman napisał:
> Åukasz JernaÅ› wrote:
> > Hmm, as far as I know the text goes to the X clipboard, if you're using
> > KDE maybe check your klipper settings
> I guess you're right...it just seems counterintuitive or an unnecessary
> duplication. (Del = Ctrl-X...sometimes) I can't find anything in the
> Klipper settings to change this.
> And it only goes to Klipper if you press Del with selected text.
> Individually deleted letters (not selected) go nowhere.
Hmm, maybe it's related to the way Scribus handles text. Hmm, you didn't write
if it happens on the canvas or in the story editor, but I did some test. It
looks like it's really a bug in Scribus not in the way X handles the
clipboard. If I only select text in the story editor it gets copied to the WM
managed clipboard (that one availible under CTRL+V, my main X clipboard has
still an other text). It isn't directly related to pressing the Del key, it
looks like Scribus instead o copying the selected text to the X clipboard
(like it is supposed to do, when selecting text in X11 apps) it copies it to
the WM one.
It doesn't happen on the canvas though...
Åukasz [DeeJay1] JernaÅ›
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