[Scribus] Why do?

Craig Bradney cbradney
Mon Jul 24 21:25:20 CEST 2006

If I can go a little off topic here.. I've just bought an Intel iMac so I can 
help out Andreas.. and discover a little of the other side too..

And OMG.. are there some REALLY basic things that are just generally out of 
wack with the most prevalent way I would expect them to work as compared to 
Windows (where most of the world uses its PC) or even Linux. Selection of 
items, text, other simple things here and there.. 

Now, you'd think that after 20+ years of PC usage I'd have an idea, but 
somethings are so foreign and unintuitive. Maybe I'll jump up and down and 
say it sucks and rant to the Mac developers. Or I could read some docs.. 
spose I'll have to do that.

Then you might get some Intel binaries of Scribus for OSX too.

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