[Scribus] Aller Anfang ist schwer

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Sat Jul 29 22:23:05 CEST 2006

Hubertus Schlamann wrote:
> Liebe Listenteilnehmer,
> gibt es eigentlich eine Anleitung f?r die Grundfunktionen von Scribus. Eine alte Dokumentation habe ich gefunden (Erstellen eines Dokumentes, Innenseite, R?ckseite), kann aber leider nichts damit anfangen.
> Wenn ich ein neues Dokument verfassen m?chte, wird mir ein Rahmen  von 40 pkt vorgegeben.
> Muss ich immer zun?chst einen Rahmen definieren, bevor ich Text eingeben kann? 
> Gru?
Here are some elementary features of Scribus:
1. The starting place of Scribus is the Document. Although it may seem 
counterintuitive, the Document (A4, USLetter, or whatever) is only a 
space within which to work. It is shown in white, but in reality has no 
color, and cannot be assigned a color.
2. On this Document working space are placed objects, most of which are 
called frames (auf Deutsch: Rahmen). If they are text frames, they may 
contain text and only text, image frames contain only images. There are 
also shape, polygon, and line frames. One kind of frame can be converted 
to another, but once converted loses its previous features. For example, 
an image frame converted to a text frame loses the image it may have 
3. These frames can be freely moved around the page (and for advanced 
versions of Scribus, off the page, and slid from one page to another), 
resized, and the contents manipulated. Thus, the idea of Scribus is to 
manipulate the layout of your Document with a high level of precision -- 
placement, resolution, color management -- so that work can be done at a 
professional level.

If you are using a Scribus version 1.2.x, you will need to select (from 
the menu) File > New in order to have a Document to work with (there is 
an icon on the toolbar for this also). In 1.3.x, you get this requestor 
automatically on starting up Scribus. Once you have a Document, start 
adding frames. Here is some information about text and image frames from 
the Scribus Wiki:


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