[Scribus] Scripter play with frames

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Sat Mar 4 20:54:16 CET 2006

Here is a beginning script for frames analysis: frameslist.py.

Just so you know what to expect from it, all this script does is take 
the current document, and make a list of the text and image frames, page 
by page, generating a file called 'temp.txt', which you can either view 
with a text editor or 'less' or 'cat' for its contents. For the text 
frames, it also gets the contents and adds that to the file after the 
frame name. Alternatively you could make a new page or document in 
Scribus (since you're there already) and load into a text frame.

Attached are 3 items: 1) the script, 2) an example from running the 
script on a 9-page picture album (text frames show the file names), and 
3) an example from running the script on a one-page medical-related 
newsletter I made up some time ago (info freely available on PubMed + 
annotations, in case you wondered).
One thing I see with the second example output file (temp.txt) is that 
internal Scribus carriage returns are sent out as Ctrl-M, but when this 
is imported back to Scribus it does not make a carriage return (does not 
show up as anything). I made carriage returns in Python with '\n'.

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