[Scribus] Scribus-CVS: Problems with values in dropdown menus (3)

Kurt Lhotzky k_lhotzky
Sun Mar 19 13:56:43 CET 2006

Hi list,

last attempt to get some help:

As I already described, I am working with the recent Scribus CVS-Version
under Kubuntu Dapper. Dapper is still an alpha release, but all other
programs work fine and the system is absolutely stable.

I have the following problem in nearly all the drop-down menus which
require or ask for numerical input:

comma-separated input is always reset to zero (for instants margins)
when you continue with the TAB-shift to the next field; in general,
numeric input resets vlues to zero.

Margins (for instance: margins in forms) can never be changed, because
values are usually zero point something - when trying to change it, the
value becomes zero and cannot be changed any more.
Strange in the forms menu (and the properties-window): I can change the
number of columns by using the dropdownbutton and selecting a value with
a mouseclick, but not the distance between columns. If the value is
smaller than one  (of course, you will seldom use such narrow gaps, but
nevertheless...), the value rests frozen as zero.

Is this really my individual problem?

Has anyone an idea what to do? I confess, I am the "adventurist" type -
I always use the actual CVS-versions for productivity purposes and did
never regret doing so. As you see - I even risk an Ubuntu alpha-release
+ Scribus CVS - and arrived at finishing a doublesided A3-Newssheet and
having it already professionally printed, but, due to the described
problems, in a rather long time and very complicated... That means - a
return to the old "stable" version is not as easy as a solution because
I have already a lot of files created with CVS...

Kind regards,

Kurt Lhotzky

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