[Scribus] Scribus Digest, Vol 37, Issue 62

hovergo at net-tech.com.au hovergo
Sat Mar 25 05:15:39 CET 2006

Scribus crashing in Windows.

I would be inclined to believe that it is windows crashing Scribus --  
not Scribus crashing.
2/3rds of the computers in my local work area crash in windows very 
frequently and never crash in Linux.
We use a raft of programs, not only scribus and all of them crash  with 

When a crash occurrs remember ASWOS  (Always Suspect Windows Operating 

The thing with newbie after newbie asking questions is that different 
people ask the same questions over and again, they need to be taught to 
think and experiment then ask, Scribus works just like laying out a hard 
copy,  one selects the articles and tapes or glues them into place.

If I may suggest, that a new Scribus user should first have a good 
grouning in layout with OenOffice Writer or MS Word with columns, text 
boxes, headers, footers, text files and images placement. Once they have 
experienced the difficulties of MS word in creating a newsletter or 
other complex document they will take to Scribus like a fish to water.

Scribus needs very little introduction if one is conversant with word or 
writer or the Apple equivalent.
Beginner's problems with scribus are that text editing is done in text 
boxes which do not reflect the final layout and I have found that 
editing in the layout text box often does not update the text file, text 
errors in the edit box are not easy to find because of this, - - and 
joining several text boxes together is not easy to get the text to flow.

I hav had no luck with EPS or SVG export but PFD and image exports are a 
godsend. But remember to always embed the Fonts used in th document or 
Scribus will use it's own font replacement.

For some reason I have problems with page 3 text box joining and text 
flow which doesn't work, so I leave page 3 blank and do it on Page 4 
then delete the empty page 3 before completion and exporting, the layout 
text box flow problems do not occurr in any other page and I find no 
explanation for this.

The 3rd problem  is font selection in the edit box takes up the whole 
screen it's not intuitive and difficult to rapidly find and select  a 
chosen font -  but it works.

As for Developers being strung up, that attitude is because students 
lead a cosseted life in Windows and do not know what the real world is 
like, let them experience utter frustration of ms word and they will 
very soom migrate to Scribus, I kid you not.

We use many different programs and always return to Scribus, Gimp, 
Writer, Calc, Blender to get consistent work done quidkly and efficiently.
My most sincere thanks to all the Developers, your work is greatly 


scribus-request at nashi.altmuehlnet.de wrote:

>Send Scribus mailing list submissions to
>	scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
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>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Scribus digest..."
>Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Torture testing Scribus (PLinnell)
>   2. Re: Torture Testing Scribus on Windows
>      (email.listen at googlemail.com)
>   3. Re: Torture testing Scribus (avox)
>   4. Re: Bleeding (Louis Desjardins)
>   5. Re: Wiki stuff : "Workaround for thin spaces" (Louis Desjardins)
>   6. Re: TIFF is an unsupported file format? (John Jordan)
>Message: 1
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 22:19:33 +0100
>From: PLinnell <mrdocs at scribus.info>
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] Torture testing Scribus
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <200603232219.33408.mrdocs at scribus.info>
>Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"
>On Thursday 23 March 2006 22:07, Christoph Sch?fer wrote:
>>But you have to admit that it's not so easy to donate. I'm still
>>waiting for a PayPal link and an account number to allow supporters
>>remitting money. It's simply not there, or did I miss something?
>>Maybe the developers could think about a non-profit Scribus
>>foundation or something like that. At least German donators,
>>including companies, will be able to donate to public benefit
>>organisations and use the receipt for their tax return.
>It is in the works. One of the first topics we discussed amongst 
>ourselves at LGM. Expect news as fast as the French bureaucracy 
>moves. :) 
>Time frame a handful of weeks.
>Message: 2
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 22:26:21 +0100
>From: email.listen at googlemail.com
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] Torture Testing Scribus on Windows
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <200603232226.22465.email.listen at googlemail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"
>Hello Dale
>Am Thu, 23. March 2006 06:02 schrieb DaleCoz at aol.com:
>>Hi.  I'm Dale Cozort.  I'm new to this list, and relatively new to actually
>>using Scribus, though I have been keeping an eye on the project for over a
>>year now.
>>I'm a big fan of Open Source, but I'm kind of stuck using Windows, so I was
>>very happy to see a Windows version of Scribus 1.3.2.  Since that version
>>of Scribus came out, I've given it a workout.  I would like to share some
>>of my experiences with your.
>>?   I used Scribus to teach a group of high school students in an advanced
>>computer class a three week section on Desktop Publishing.
>>?    As part of that section I wrote about half a dozen instructional
>>worksheets on Scribus.  I used Scribus to write and lay out those
>>worksheets ?   I did layout for two issues of my PDF alternate history
>>newsletter in Scribus.  The first issue was a little under 30 pages long. 
>>The second issue was 55 pages long.  I used Scribus to export both of them
>>to PDF
>>?   I wrote two smaller newsletters (2 pages each) on computer changes at
>>the school where I teach.
>>In other words I've really given Scribus a workout in the last few months.
>>Here are some impressions:
>>First it was probably a good six months too early in the Scribus
>>development cycle to be trying to use it the way I tried to use it.  That's
>>not surprising.  Scribus 1.3.2 is part of the development branch of
>>Scribus-really not intended to be production quality or rock stable yet. 
>>Not surprisingly, Scribus crashed a few times.  It didn't crash often
>>enough to be unusable, but it crashed often enough to reinforce my habit of
>>saving work early and often.  Some features didn't work, or didn't work the
>>way I thought they should.  Again, that isn't unexpected.  This is not
>>production software yet, and doesn't claim to be.  Some things werre harder
>>to do than I expected them to be, such as bulleting paragraphs and putting
>>two booklet-sized pages side-by-side and printing them in landscape mode. 
>>I'm probably not telling you anything new when I tell you that Scribus got
>>slow when my documents got big.  By the time I reached 50 pages it was a
>>real struggle to navigate in the document.
>>At the same time, I was pretty happy overall with my experience.  I knew
>>what I was getting into in terms of this version of Scribus being a
>>development version.  It got the job done for me, and I'm happy with it,
>>though I am eagerly awaiting future versions with more features and fewer
>>I'm afraid that I didn't win many friends for Scribus among my students.
>>They tried some very ambitious things, and succeeded in doing some
>>impressive work, but they also ran into the bugs and unintuitive behavior. 
>>One girl wrote me a note saying that Scribus developers should be hunted
>>down and strung up. I explained that this was bleeding edge software, and
>>that she will be much happier with it if she tries again in six months.  I
>>hope she does.  It'll probably be a good product for what I tried to do in
>>another couple of versions
>I think it is a great idea to introduce free software to a group of students 
>as you did. In my opinion this is the most effective strategie to introduce 
>and to also to support free software.
>I see this from time to time again and it's increasing I would say.
>And often people run into problems like you, better your students, did.
>What is missing in the moment not only for scribus is a strategie or policy to 
>introduce (a group of) students not only into the use of free software but 
>also in the 'use of the community'.
>Most people I asked, 'Why don't you introduce this to the project before?' 
>told me that that would have been a good idea but for the nest time. 
>In most cases there is no 'next time' because they often are frustrated by the 
>results. *sigh*
>So what I would like to see is some kind of assistance for peoplke like you 
>and your students to get in contact to that what makes free software so 
>powerfull. And in my eyes this is not only the application. It is much more 
>the art of communication and the way of communication.
>Some kind of moderated support / assistance / tutorial. 
>May be some kind of school free software crossing guard.
>- This has to be done for teachers, and it has to be done in the early
>  beginning when such a project is planned.
>- But also for students when they start teir exercises and hit the list for
>  getting help.
>This can be done by announcing a group of new users like yours on the list, 
>e.g. 'Attention, a couple of curious freshmen will hit this list in the next 
>days. Please be patient and give them a helping hand.' Followed by a short 
>introducement of the project / group and their motivation.
>I'll bet this will help finding some people who will assist this newbies.
>In most cases projects like yours are followed by a project documentation done 
>by the students. This up to now is focused on the use of a certain 
>application and the results of a given exercise. But it might also be 
>interesting to have a project documentation which describes 'the use' of the 
>project itself, eg. mailing lists, developer lists, www and wiki based 
>documentation and so on. 
>And not to forget a documentation of what might be done better from the 
>students point of view.
>This will help the students, their teacher and not to forget the project 
>And I would say that this list is a great place to start with much better than 
>a lot of other lists I know.
>Message: 3
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 13:53:57 -0800 (PST)
>From: avox <avox at arcor.de>
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] Torture testing Scribus
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <3561308.post at talk.nabble.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Craig Bradney wrote:
>>On Thursday 23 March 2006 20:43, DaleCoz at aol.com wrote:
>>>In a message dated 3/23/2006 4:57:50 AM Central Standard Time,
>>>...  When Scribus didn't do what
>>>she expected it to do she became more frustrated.  I did explain that the
>>>version of Scribus we were using was a fairly early development version,
>>>and I hope she will look at Scribus again in six months or so, because
>>>based on the roadmap and the rate at which it has been improving Scribus
>>>will undoubtedly be much more usable by then.
>>If you get the chance to explain.. mention a couple of things that might
>>things in perspective:
>And under *no* circumstances tell her that all developer's names are
>listed in Help->About!  :-)
>View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Re%3A-Torture-testing-Scribus-t1332408.html#a3561308
>Sent from the Scribus forum at Nabble.com.
>Message: 4
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:52:04 -0500
>From: Louis Desjardins <louisdesjardins at videotron.ca>
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] Bleeding
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <p05010406c048f2e31a15@[]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>I am not sure if I am using the correct terminology, but my question 
>>is probably very easy to solve.  Say I have a document with a 
>>background color.  How do I get it to bleed all the way to the 
>>edge?  Do I just create an image placeholder all the way to the 
>>edges, or even beyond? 
>Please consult the Scribus wiki on this.
>Bleed is not yet supported "as such" but there are workarounds.
>>Scribus mailing list
>>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
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>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:57:34 -0500
>From: Louis Desjardins <louisdesjardins at videotron.ca>
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] Wiki stuff : "Workaround for thin spaces"
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <p05010407c048f3af4a03@[]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>Effectivement lorsque je d?fais les liens entre mes cadres texte, ?a 
>>marche beaucoup mieux. Cependant, peut-?tre que j'avais mal compris 
>>la proc?dure ou bien est-ce une diff?rence entre ta version de 
>>scribus et la mienne (windows 1.3.3), mais je suis oblig?e de copier 
>>l'espace ET la ponctuation qui suit dans les deux champs, et pas 
>>seulement l'espace, comme j'avais compris. Du coup, je dois faire 
>>une manipulation en plus pour remettre la ponctuation dans sa taille 
>Oui je vois ce que ?a peut ?tre. Je ne suis pas en mesure de 
>v?rifier. Tiens-moi au courant de tout nouveau probl?me s.v.p. Cette 
>mesure est transitoire. Il y a des am?lioration notables ? venir dans 
>Scribus au cours des prochains mois concernant sp?cifiquement ceci. 
>Le mieux est de faire part clairement de tes exigences (et 
>l'invitation vaut pour tous, ?videmment!).
>>En tous cas, merci pour cette astuce et pour ton aide.
>>On 3/15/06, Louis Desjardins 
>><<mailto:louisdesjardins at videotron.ca>louisdesjardins at videotron.ca> 
>>>Bonjour Louis,
>>>je viens d'essayer d'appliquer la m?thode que tu as propos?e pour 
>>>les espaces fines, mais je n'y suis pas arriv?e :
>>>lorsque je suis dans Rechercher-substituer, je colle l'espace 
>>>ins?cable, je change le corps de police, je clique sur rechercher, 
>>>une bo?te de dialogue m'indique que la recherche est termin?e, mais 
>>>le bouton "substituer" reste inactif. Est-ce que j'ai oubli? de 
>>>faire quelque chose ?
>>Bonjour Florence,
>>Il faut coller l'espace dans les 2 champs "texte" Rechercher ET Substituer.
>>Aussi, il ne faut pas perdre de vue que Scribus ne peut pas faire 
>>cette op?ration sur l'ensemble du document (pour le moment). Il est 
>>n?cessaire de s?lectionner chaque cadre de texte et de refaire le 
>>processus pour chacun.
>>L'id?al est d'effectuer une telle op?ration sur un texte contenu 
>>dans un seul cadre (m?me si le texte est trop long, d?borde et qu'un 
>>petit carr? rouge appara?t dans le coin inf?rieur droit du cadre). 
>>Ensuite, tu pourras faire courir ton texte sur plusieurs pages en 
>>ajoutant des pages : toutes les espaces seront correctes.
>>Bonne chance!
>>Je ne serai pas disponible au cours des prochaines heures. Je vais ? 
>>Lyon au LGM. Mon avion d?colle dans quelques heures!
>>On 3/3/06, Louis Desjardins 
>><<mailto:louisdesjardins at videotron.ca>louisdesjardins at videotron.ca> 
>>>I have also translated it in french ant put it in the french part 
>>>of the wiki :
>>Merci Fred!
>>?a fait un dr?le d'effet de se relire, mais traduit... en fran?ais! 
>>Le r?sultat est parfait! :-)
>>Bonne journ?e!
>>Scribus mailing list
>><mailto:Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>>Scribus mailing list
>><mailto:Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>>Scribus mailing list
>><mailto:Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>>Scribus mailing list
>>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
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>Message: 6
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 00:40:38 -0800
>From: "John Jordan" <johnxj at comcast.net>
>Subject: Re: [Scribus] TIFF is an unsupported file format?
>To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>Message-ID: <44234006.31198.9E1AF5C8 at localhost>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>On 23 Mar 2006, at 10:24, fredd wrote:
>>>OK, maybe the problem is in the TIFF file. I fiddled around for a
>>>bit and decide to change the extension from TIFF to tif. But no go.
>>>Scribus still doesn't see them as placeable files.
>>May be your Scribus was not compiled with Tiff support.
>>You can check this by going to Help->About Scribus
>>At the bottom of the About dialog there is a build ID which should
>>look like C-C-T-F-C (for 1.3.x version).  The T is for Tiff support.
>>If you have a * instead of the T, then you don't have built-in support
>>for Tiff.
>The Help > About says C-C-T. So I guess that means it's 
>supposed to have TIFF support.
>Note: I did not "compile" Scribus. I don't know how to do that. I'm 
>just a dumbass user. All I did was install it via Synaptic on my 
>Ubuntu-64 Breezy computer.
>Thanks for the suggestion, though. 
>Scribus mailing list
>Scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
>End of Scribus Digest, Vol 37, Issue 62

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