[Scribus] new ps / eps import in CVS

avox avox
Sat Mar 25 18:37:11 CET 2006

Kite Lau wrote:
> ... I understand this feature
> is rather new and would like to know whether I should import that big
> size eps at this stage. I think full eps import function is helpful for
> those who need to imigrate from other DTP program such as coreldraw
> freehand.

You have to understand how PS import is working in Scribus:
each "fill", "stroke" or "image" command in Postscript is converted
to a single Scribus pageobject. Also each character is converted
to a Scribus polygon object.
I don't know what's in your EPS, but the sheer amount of objects will 
break Scribus down (rough estimate: 10.000 objects is slow but possible,
1.000.000 objects are not).
If it's mainly a large bitmap consider removing it from the EPS and
importing it separately. 
If there are a lot of bitmaps, consider importing it into a Scribus image 
frame. That will raster the whole EPS but shouldn't matter since it's 
mostly bitmaps anyway.

Another word of caution: don't try to import ps which was created by
pdf2ps. These contain a lot of bitmaps (one for each char I think)
and Scribus creates many image frames with external image files for
it. And usually fails half the way through.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/new-ps-eps-import-in-CVS-t1341223.html#a3589004
Sent from the Scribus forum at Nabble.com.

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