[Scribus] 0003509: Move the docs to FHS compliant location

Łukasz Jernaś deejay1
Thu Mar 30 23:58:13 CEST 2006


I don't know if moving the entire documentation there is such a good idea.
I can't recall any app that store it's user help files there, even GNOME keeps 
it in /usr/share/gnome/help (at least here)
/usr/share/doc should be used mainly for miscaleneus stuff like 
NEWS,CHANGELOG, AUTHORS etc. FHS doesn't forbid user documentation to sit in 
it's own directory in /usr/share. On some systems /usr/share/doc is being 
gzipped to save space a case which Scribus can't handle right now as far as I 
know and they even can be stripped wneh installing from rpm packages (these 
files are usually marked as %doc so they can be ommited with some rpm 
magic :)
I agree that those capitalized files should land 
in /usr/share/doc/scribus-$version but please let the docs where they are. 
The FHS doesn't tell that they should go there....

?ukasz [DeeJay1] Jerna?
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