[Scribus] round flowing text

Christoph Schäfer christoph-schaefer
Tue Sep 26 23:20:13 CEST 2006

Am Dienstag, 26. September 2006 23:03 schrieb Adam Lafayette:
> I am trying to figure out how to make text follow around a circle.
> For example if I make a round text box and I start typing in text.
> I would like the text to follow around the outside edge of that circular
> text box instead of going horizontally.
> There is some discussion under the subject
> how to edit text on path
> I'm wondering if this is discussing the same thing.  Not quite
> understanding that discussion though because I'm not really sure what it
> means.
> Is there something in the documentation or wiki that would help me with
> this? I don't mind reading.
> I'm runing scribus in win2k.
> I'm a rather new user of scribus but already able to do quite a bit with
> it. Thanks.
> Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at yahoo.com    http://www.bloodkeg.com     
>  http://www.geocities.com/atomlbomb

Hi Adam,

A short explanation of what you need to do:

1. Create a text frame with your text

2. Create a shape (circle). You probably want to set its colour to "none".

3. Convert the shape into a B?zier curve (right click > Convert to ...)

4. Select both the text frame and the B?zier curve

5. Klick "Item > Attach text to path", and you're done.

6. The fine tuning can be done in the Properties Palette, especially in the 
Shape tab. You can edit the text in the story editor, formatting can also be 
done in the Text tab of the PP.



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