[Scribus] problems linking pages from the Old Newbie

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Tue Dec 4 05:04:45 CET 2007

Joan Hill wrote:
> Hi,
> I am very new to this Scribus program  -- I have been having problems 
> linking pages  ---and sometimes unlinking pages.  I have been using 
> the Wiki that tells me how to do this as a Bible --- however, I am 
> again having problems.  The last story of the book is linking the 
> first 3 pages, then it tells me I am trying to link to a filled page 
> or back to itself.  I don't know how to get out of this onging loop.
Here is an excerpt from the manual we're working on, this about linking:

Here are the steps:

    * Select the first frame
    * Click the Link Text Frames icon on the toolbar (keyboard: N)
    * Click the second frame -- that's it.
    * Continue clicking to continue linking further frames. Remember
      that the links go in the order that you click from one to the
      next. When you are finished, click the Link icon or click outside
      of the linked frames to stop linking.
    * To add more frames later, select the linked frames, then the Link
      icon, then the frame(s) you want to add. Newly added frames always
      are appended at the end.

/*Be sure to unselect the Link Frames icon when you are finished, since 
this will interfere with normal operations while selected.

/*If it's thoroughly messed up. you may need to unlink your frames and 
start over.


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