[Scribus] Success story and question.

Jan Schrewe jschrewe
Wed Feb 7 19:14:02 CET 2007


Calum Polwart schrieb am Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2007:
> Given that scribus is XMl is it not perhaps possible to fudge it like
> this:
> Create the "Master Document", with some place holders in the text =
> something that will be unique = I am thinking along the lines of a
> seperate text box for *Name* *Address* Etc. Perhaps using *Name* as the
> place holder (would need to check that * isn't wildcard later!)
> Use some scripting to duplicate that master document 500 times within
> its self - not sure exactly the detail of how that would be done - but
> I'm sure someone here knows.

Yes, the details are exactly what  I am looking for. The Problem is that the 
position of the textframes is absolute. So in order to generate the "master 
file" with 500 pages I need to know how calculate the position and I didn't 
find anything in the documentation of the sla file.



> Then write some script in something like perl that would do this, in
> pseudoscript: (I don't do perl etc sorry!)
> Open scribus sla file as a text document
> Open the database
> for n = 1 to 500
> Read record 1 from the database
> Search from start for *placeholder1*
> Replace *placeholder1* with record from database relating to palceholder
> Search for *placeholder2*
> Replace *placeholder2*
> Next n
> Save sla file as sla file (new name?)
> Then you open the sla and convert to PDF?
> Just a thought?
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