[Scribus] Script to import addresses
Gregory Pittman
Sun Feb 18 03:24:00 CET 2007
Obviously, I have a weak social life since this is what I'm doing on a
Saturday night.
Here is a script, importadd.py, that will import addresses from a plain
text file.
As written, what it does is take addresses, create a text frame, then
for the next address make a new page. Modifications could allow it to be
used in an existing document. I'll make a page on the Wiki about it
I also include a sample address file, which uses a single blank line
after each address as a trigger to create the text frame, clear the
address and go back to the file for the next address, so it must end in
a blank line. If you have two or more blank lines between addresses, you
will get frames on blank pages.
See the Scripter docs to learn how to change various page and frame
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