[Scribus] Embedding LaTeX

Jonathan Merritt j.merritt
Tue Jan 23 02:10:35 CET 2007

John Harrold wrote:
> Sometime in January, Gregory Pittman proposed the following: 
> | An alternative is of course pdflatex and use the pdf in an image frame.
> From my perspective, this isn't really much of an alternative and more of a
> preference (pdflatex vs. dvips). The issue is that I'm still going outside
> of scribus to make the pdf.

Well, you could limit the time you spend outside of Scribus by creating 
all of the equations in one PS document.  Then simply do:
    1. File->Import->Import EPS/PS...  (proceed to import the PS file).
    2. Select the imported object.
    3. Item->Ungroup.
    4. Select individual equations and Item->Group, to have the 
equations as separate objects.
    5. Position as required.

A simpler workflow is to place your LaTeX markup in a single text file 
with unique (non-TeX) markers for the start and end of each equation 
(something like "%STARTEQ newton1", where "newton1" is an identifier, 
followed by "%ENDEQ" at the end).  Then write a little python script to 
parse out your file, cutting it into small LaTeX chunks which can be 
processed to create separate PS files for each equation.  Then you can 
import those PS files as required.  It isn't too much extra work, and 
then you really deal with only two main files: your equation source file 
and your Scribus document.  This works well for "display" equations 
(i.e. separate from the text), but is still very cumbersome for inline 

Jonathan Merritt.

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