[Scribus] Adjust frame to image BUT NO adust image to frame?

dax702 dax702
Sun Jul 22 09:28:19 CEST 2007

Ok, I see that. I'm just having a world of trouble here trying to work with
images.  I'm able to use the import option for an EPS file created by a
certain piece of software.  Then I noticed I can hold down the Ctrl key and
scale the image while maintaining its proportions and it looks good when I
print it out.

However, I have another program that doesn't output EPS, it exports a high
resolution PNG file.  When I use the image frame to place the file, I don't
get that same option to hold down Ctrl to resize it.  I tried saving the PNG
as a PSD in photoshop and that doesn't seem to work at all. When I place the
image, nothing at all appears.  When I try to save it as an EPS in Photshop
it gives me all these options and I don't know what to pick.  After trying a
few different options, I was able to import the image without a fatal error
message, but I still couldn't hold down Ctrl to resize the image to what I

I've uploaded two files here.  The first one, reference2a.eps is the one
that gives me trouble whatsoever in Scribus. I'm able to import it and size
it easily and it looks great.  The second file, mussample.png is what I have
to work with from that other program.  Can someone here tell me how I can
use Photoshop to save this PNG file as something I can successfully import
into Scribus and size it so it fits a letter size page from left to right? 
Why was I able to hold down the Ctrl key to resize the first file, but when
I saved it as an EPS in Photoshop and tried the same import procedure, it
wouldn't let me do that?

http://www.nabble.com/file/p11728958/reference2a.eps reference2a.eps 

http://www.nabble.com/file/p11728958/mussample.png mussample.png 
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Adjust-frame-to-image-BUT-NO-adust-image-to-frame--tf4124241.html#a11728958
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