[Scribus] Please help with 'simple' scripting task - print the current document

Bill Hudacek bill.hudacek
Fri Jun 22 02:02:21 CEST 2007

Hi! I need help, and I'm at my wit's end.  I'm trying to use scribus to 
print tickets.

I have 4 tickets per page, with 8 named text boxes.  I want to stuff a 
ticket number into the two boxes for a ticket (one on ticket, one on 
'stub'), then do the same for the remaining three tickets.  I have this 

Rather than create hundreds of pages in a document, or hundreds of 
documents, I thought I'd simply print the page, then increment my 
counter by 4, repopulate the named text boxes, and print the page 
again...but I cannot figure out how to get the document to print!

I found docs on the "Printer" object on the Scribus web site, but 
there's no info on how you actually use it.  None of the examples shows 
how it's used.  I even googled for 'allinurl: scribus .py' and spent a 
bit of time reading arbitrary scripts :-)

Does someone have a trivial example of how to print the current document?

I would be hugely grateful.  This is for the local Historical Society, 
and I'm late in getting the tickets printed now :-/

Many thanks!


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