[Scribus] Bug# 5929 - Add language

avox avox
Sat Jun 23 19:38:01 CEST 2007

Christoph Sch?fer wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> Am Samstag, 23. Juni 2007 16:55 schrieb Brian Wilson:
>> I requested that Lao, Thai, Khmer, and Vietnamese be added to the
>> F2>text>Language list.  I am seeking to publish in all of these
>> languages.
>> (I have recently begun directing a small translation center and
>> publishing
>> service in Thailand for the regional languages.)
>> Now I am wondering what the Language list does?  I have clicked through
>> all
>> the different languages and I don't see any difference to my text.  What
>> does this function do?
> It determines the hyhenation rules.
>> The purpose of reporting the bug was to get the Southeast Asian language
>> names added to the list.  After that, this particular bug should be
>> closed.
>> Then each language issue can be discussed under separate threads.
> Brian, if you want the feature to be added, you probably have to do the
> work 
> yourself. Scribus is a work of volunteers, and if a certain feature is 
> required, it's not unusual for users to contribute it. For information
> about 
> creating hyphenation dictionnaries, please have a look at 
> http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/hyphenator.html. 

Unfortunately hyphenation for Thai and Lao doesnt work with our current
hyphenation engine.
We also need better support for hyphenating ideographic languages like

This is on our to-do list and will be addressed in versions 1.3.6 or 1.3.7.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Bug--5929---Add-language-tf3969521.html#a11268519
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