[Scribus] Handling of frame strokes

avox avox
Thu May 31 16:47:43 CEST 2007

Jeff Lasman wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 May 2007 02:17 pm, Magyar B?lint wrote:
>> Frank Cox wrote:
>> > I think that putting the line inside of the defined frame
>> > would indeed make it easier.
>> How about making it an option instead?
> Personally that makes no sense.  If you want a box of 50mmX50mm you 
> really want the frame inside.  Ask any carpenter.  

Uh, carpenting...

> Which is why the 
> other programs (in my case PM) does it that way.

In our case there is at least one very good reason to make it an option:
existing Scribus documents. We can make it the default for new textframes,
but when loading legacy objects there has to be a way to achieve the old

Also I'm not 100% sure if people wouldn't want the old behaviour, especially
for thin lines, or even lines totally outside of the frame...

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Handling-of-frame-strokes-tf3835600.html#a10895315
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