[Scribus] Knockout/overprint in

Louis Desjardins louis_desjardins
Thu Oct 18 19:47:20 CEST 2007

Stewart Noy a ?crit :
> As there are no overprint/knockout settings in, if you have two
> images that overlap do they automatically knockout?
> This relates to the following:
> I have an image taking up half of a page and a colour taking up the other
> half. My printer says that I should have the colour extend across the entire
> page and put the image ontop of that, and set to knockout, and the RIP will
> take care of the trapping. I thought it would make more sense to just have a
> small overlap?

Your printer is asking you this because he wants to make sure there will 
be a trapping situation the rip can handle. If for any reason your image 
and your color don't touch each other, you're in trouble. Asking to 
extend the color and put the image as knockout over it (which is exactly 
what Scribus will do) will only ensure that this trapping situation will 
exist. If you do what your printer wants, it will work. You could do it 
the way you think too, but make sure there is something to trap. Your 
printer's advice is really only to avoid any issues and let the rip do 
the job as he has set it.

> On a different note, he also says that any black text is set to overprint by
> default by the RIP. So seeing as has no overprint for text, is this
> how other Scribus users ensure text is overprinted?

Every object, every color is going to knockout in Including 
black. What your printer suggests is the way to go.


> Cheers
> Stewart

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