[scribus] Sepia problem

avox avox at arcor.de
Thu Dec 4 22:42:36 CET 2008

Pedrie Roberts-2 wrote:
> On one of our computers, PDFs that were exported from Scribus in
> grayscale are displayed as sepia when opened in Adobe. How do we fix
> it (realising it's not necessarily a Scribus problem)?

IIRC Scribus grayscale export uses the RGB colorspace in PDF. So if the
monitor is not color-calibrated it's possible the gray turns into sepia. I'd
think it has to be quite off, though. Does the monitor display other colors
ok? For example, are photos of faces looking healthy?

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Sepia-problem-tp20831587p20843117.html
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