[scribus] Markup in text files...?

taliesin taliesin at tarddell.net
Sun Dec 14 01:40:54 CET 2008

Gregory Pittman wrote:
> taliesin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've actually done some very useful work in Scribus so far, just from
>> reading the documentation. But I seem to have missed how to do the
>> following and could do with some help:
>> How can I add styles mark-up to a text document so that when I
>> import it
>> into a text field, those styles are automatically used? If that's not
>> clear, what I'm wanting to do is have a plain text file loadoftext.txt
>> which has some sort of mark-up in it such that when I import it into a
>> text field, parts of it have the appropriate style set. I guess I'm
>> thinking in terms of things like TeX and HTML and looking for
>> something
>> equivalent in Scribus. This would be useful to me as I can easily
>> blast
>> through a long text document using regular expressions or search and
>> replace to add markup for chapter headings, sub-headings, highlighted
>> names, etc. But going through a long piece of text in the Story
>> Editor,
>> highlighting parts and changing their style would take too long to be
>> practical.
>> Is there any way of doing what I want? I thought about importing my
>> text
>> as HTML and then changing the styles accordingly, but I wanted to
>> check
>> I wasn't missing something obvious.
> There are 2 relatively useful ways to go. One is to set up your
> styles in openoffice.org, in which case Scribus will apply these on
> import of the ODT file.
> The second is to set up text filters. This is shown in one of the
> videos on the wiki:
> http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Scribus_Video_Tutorials#Three_ways_to_apply_styles
> the third part of this video is what you're interested in -- starts
> at 1 minute, 3 seconds into it.
> Greg


Thank you very much. That answers my question completely. I am finding
Scribus very useful and, given that I have predominantly used word
processors for all my documents (with the rare excursion into LaTeX
when needed), I'm starting to find myself becoming quite obsessed with
how very much nicer I can make my work look with Scribus. :)

Cheers for the speedy reply.


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