[Scribus] Landscape-layout

Louis Desjardins louis_desjardins
Sat Jan 26 15:29:28 CET 2008

Simon Schmidig a ?crit :
> Le vendredi 25 janvier 2008 ? 22:48 -0500, Louis Desjardins a ?crit :
>> Not too sure about your issue here. When you make a new document, you 
>> can pick the orientation of the page, portrait or landscape. You are 
>> also given the choice of a custom sized page where you can specifiy 
>> the page size and orientation you need.
>> Does that help?
> Yes and no ?!
> I can specify the page size and the landscape orientation. But I like 
> also specify the position of the binding (reilure en french) on the 
> longue site of the page.

Binding is an imposition issue. There are no options for binding in the 
New document dialog of Scribus (afaik). There are options in the PDF 
output dialog but afaik not the option you are looking for (there is 
only left or right, not top or bottom). As for printing, it would be a 
printer driver issue, limited only by the capabilities of a given printer.

I know we have a plug-in for imposition in the work. I don't know the 
current stage of development. It's called EasyPose.

In the case you are showing, a spiral binding on the top edge, you can 
use Scribus for the layout in landscape mode, single page. I assume you 
intend to print on both sides of the sheet, so duplex printing 
(recto/verso). You need an option to print the reverse side "head to 
toe" so when you turn the pages, even pages will be readable without 
flipping the document. If your current printer driver has this option, 
then you're fine. Otherwise, you would have to act upstream at layout 
level and create your even pages upside down in order to achieve 
manually what your printer can't do. Clumsy, though.

There are a fair amount of chances that if you hand your final layout as 
a PDF, single pages, landscape, to a commercial printer (digital or 
offset), your work will be handled properly and the binding will be 
exactly as you wanted it to be.



> -- 
> Simon Schmidig <schmidig at bmss.ch <mailto:schmidig at bmss.ch>>
> manzoni schmidig architectes urbanistes s?rl

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