[scribus] SVG-Import aus Inkscape macht Probleme

Magyar Bálint magyarbalint at indi.hu
Fri Jul 4 16:14:12 CEST 2008

On Fri, 2008-07-04 at 15:46 +0200, Tornóci László wrote:
> E.g. I never managed to import the 
> lines with arrowheads. The color of the arrowheads comes out always 
> black. So I need to draw my own arrowheads in inkscape which makes my 
> life harder. Otherwise importing svg from inkscape and be able to
> change some graphic object characteristics in Scribus (like applying
> line styles etc.) is a _very nice_ feature.

Since version 0.45 (I think), there's a script in the Effects menu of
Inkscape that colors the line endings to match the stroke's color. It's
just a workaround but it can save some time.

To contribute to the topic, I also usually just import graphic elements
from SVG/EPS since most of the time Scribus provides way more options
for typographical manipulation of text than other editors.

Bálint / jegHegy

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