[scribus] The Scribus target - a question for the developers

avox avox at arcor.de
Fri Sep 26 00:12:52 CEST 2008

John Culleton-3 wrote:
> On Saturday 20 September 2008 02:16:13 pm avox wrote:
>> John Culleton-3 wrote:
>> > ...
>> > And things like hanging punctuation,
>> > microtypography and so on are just beyond the reach of Scribus or
>> > any similar product.
>> Funny you'd say that, I implemented hanging punctuation and glyph
>> extension in 1.3.4. Pierre implemented OTF features in FontMatrix
>> and I have a prototype
>> of a paragraph layouter for Scribus. And footnotes and widow/orphan
>> control are definitely on our todo list. So I wouldn't say that's
>> out of our reach.
> Interesting. How does one apply hanging punctuation? I have a recent 
> version of Scribus 1.3.5 up on a Debian partition. 

It's called "optical margins" in Scribus. That moves punctuation 50% - 70%
into the margin and also applies a moderate margin kerning at the right
(usually only visible with 'r' and 'f' characters).

I followed the values from pdfTeX for punctuation and re-use the kerning
with period for the right side (imagine ending each line with a period, kern
the line,
than justify the lines such that the periods are aligned, then hide the
I couldn't find a similar trick at the left side; all tries looked worse
than the
version without margin kerning.

There was a proposal to attach margin kerning values to the space character,
AFAIK there aren't many fonts which follow that.

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/The-Scribus-target---a-question-for-the-developers-tp19246383p19679304.html
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