[scribus] Scribus, Lulu, base-14 fonts, postscript printing

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 02:08:22 CET 2009

William Hammack said the following at 11/07/2009 04:19 PM :
> D.R. Evans raises some interesting points, indicating that my post was
> unclear at best:
> 1. I would LOVE to just load up the cover pdf from scribus to Lulu:
> Lulu objected, rejecting the file because Helvetica was not embedded.
> So. I was trying to make a ps which I would distill with Adobe's
> Distiller on a windows machine. 

I second John's suggestion that it's probably not a good idea to use real
Helvetica. (I'm not even sure that it's legal to embed it, but that might
just be me being paranoid or misremembering the Adobe license from the
early days of PS; I am all-but-certain, though, that it was originally
prohibited by the Adobe license.)

> 2. In regards to Lulu LOVING Adobe distiller - perhaps that's a bit
> strong, but here a quote from their web site that indicates at least
> strong affection:
> " You must upload a PDF version between Acrobat 1.3 and 1.5. If you
> plan to purchase a Distribution Service, your PDF must [note: must is
> italics on the web page!] be distilled by Adobe. More info) Acrobat can
> be purchased from Adobe Systems or any software retailer"

I'm surprised that's still on their site. (Well, maybe not; they seem to
leave cruft all over the place.) It was wrong even when I started using
Lulu, and that's a couple of years ago or more. I remember reading that
statement and being briefly quite worried about its emphatic wording, until
I checked around in their fora and discovered that plenty of people were
using PDFs that had never been near an Acrobat product.

I think that the only problem I've ever had with regard to Scribus and Lulu
is that it took me a couple of attempts to figure out how to do
transparency on the cover in a manner that worked properly. I can't recall
any other problems.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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