[scribus] Best Linux distro for Scribus

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Mon Nov 30 07:23:16 CET 2009

On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 06:52:13 +0100
Christoph Schäfer <christoph-schaefer at gmx.de> wrote:

> Am Montag, 30. November 2009 06:18:30 schrieb Steven Dayton:
> > I have not worked with KDE in any version before so I have no idea why
> > there is some displeasure with KDE 4. Why is KDE 4 not a good thing?
> > Is there somewhere else to go online that would discuss this topic
> > that anyone could suggest? Curious.

> Oh, and I know we (Scribus) are not in a position to cast stones on anyone, as 
> our versioning scheme is quite chaotic as well ;)
> The upside is that KDE 4.3 finally seems to deliver on the promises being 
> made. Since I'm a KDE user since version 1 who feels insulted by Gnome's 
> philosophy, I will install OpenSUSE 11.2 with KDE 4.3 (and KDE 3 as a 
> fallback option) this week ;)

Thank goodness you're going to install KDE. The Gnome 2.8.0 that comes
with OpenSuse 11.2 is not ready for serious use.

> That being said, everyone should be able to use the operating system and 
> desktop environment one prefers. What _is_ important, though, when it comes 
> to Scribus and other apps, is that all relevant libraries (GTK+, Qt, KDE 
> etc.) are kept in a reliable state. Unfortunately, this rules out some Linux 
> distros, at least with respect to Scribus.

I had to ditch OpenSuse 11.2 because of the problems with Gnome 2.8.0, but
after wiping it out and installing 11.1 I am back. Yeah, I could have used KDE,
but I dislike KDE as much as you dislike Gnome. 

I haven't installed Scribus yet because I can't find For this
long-time Debian user, package management in the RPM world is a mysterious
place. I think I need to add the Scribus repository manually, but I don't know
where it is how how to add it. I'll figure it out, though.

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