[scribus] Vertical align of text

CLIVE CATTERALL clive.catterall at btinternet.com
Fri Oct 2 10:25:21 CEST 2009

>> 6) This is unrelated, but it seems that guidelines are *very*
>> greedy.  You have to move in the neighborhood of half an inch (!)
>> before the item will break free from a guideline. 

>I haven't read all your posts, but wonder if you have looked at
>Document->Setup or File->Preferences and adjusted the snapping criteria
>in Guides.


The trouble is that using a preferences box is not a natural way for many designers to work. It is too detached from the visual decision making that designers are comfortable with. You are forcing them to make another mapping stage in their thinking. They want to put *that* over there (direct), but this makes them estimate how many millipedes it is to move *that* over there (indirect). They can do it, but this mapping makes the use of the softeware less comfortable, less intuitive.


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