[scribus] beginner's luck, or lack thereof

Martin Costabel costabel at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 23 10:25:00 CEST 2010

Repubo wrote:
> If all this is too much, try to find a Ghostscript .dmg file (Google it) 
> and once it's installed, assuming it installs in your Applications 
> folder, try this as Name of Executable:
> /Applications/Ghostscript.app

On the scribus page for MacOSX that was mentioned in this thread (by 
Gregory Pittman), there is a link to ghostscript.dmg. And no, it does 
not install Ghostscript.app. In any case, even if it did, the name of 
the executable would definitely *not* be Ghostscript.app.

If I thought Peter had the experience necessary for using macports, I 
would have recommended to use Fink. There you just say "fink install 
scribus135-aqua" for version 1.3.6, or "fink install scribus-aqua" for 
version, and then sit back and watch how everything, including 
ghostscript, installs itself. No hunting for web sites and downloading 
and installing packages, apart from the initial installation of Fink itself.


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