No subject

Sat Jul 10 00:02:21 CEST 2010

psbook -s12 [12] [1] [2] [11] [10] [3] [4] [9] [8] [5] [6] [7]

...which _seems_ right.

Then, I need to make a .pdf with ledger size pages, duplex, so when we print to a duplexing printer, the pages come out right. I'm stuck at this part.

It appears like I need to use pstops?, psnup? 

I've tried using both to make six pages ... and then to a .pdf.

But, the pages aren't set properly. It's always close, though. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?

|\  /|       |   |          ~ ~  
| \/ |       |---|          `|` ?
|    |ichael |   |iggins    \^ /

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