[scribus] file not supported

loralea help at scribus.info
Fri Sep 24 17:14:00 CEST 2010

Submitted on 09/24/2010
Submitted by anonymous user: []

Submitted values are:

   Name: loralea
   Email Address: loraleab at gmail.com
   Subject: file not supported
It looks like you automatically update scribus, I noticed a few differences.  
The problem is anything I created before that time, can not be opened. I  
frequently need to access these older files. So everything - the many, many  
hours of building files before it was updated are worthless. How often do you  
auto update and will my current files be obsolete soon. I am so frustrated -  
why would you do that?

   About your Scribus program:
     Prebuilt/Compiled: Prebuilt
     Build Date:
   Your operating system and CPU:
     Type: Windows
     Version: WinXP
     CPU type: Other/Don't know

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