[scribus] Text overflow

John Jason Jordan johnxj at comcast.net
Wed Jan 5 19:27:07 CET 2011

On Wed, 05 Jan 2011 10:04:48 -0800
Todd Cary <todd at aristesoftware.com> dijo:

>As a newbie to Scribus, I am unsure how to solve the problem of 
>"Text overflow".  "Text overflow"?  Let me explain:
>I am trying to setup a weekly PDF Rotary newsletter to be 
>distributed via the Web (replacing a HTML email).  There is a  
>"Text Body" that can be one or more pages with the text coming 
>from a text file file produced by a "reporter".  If I copy and 
>paste the text into the "Text Body", there may be more than the 
>Front Page can accommodate.  Is there a way to have the excess 
>flow into "Page Two", and if necessary, into "Page Three"?
>And a sub-part to this question is adding images to a page that 
>most likely will cause the text to want to overflow.

1) Look in the help for how to link frames. 

2) If you're adding images and want the text to flow around them
right-click on the image frame and select Properties. In the Properties
palette that will pop up you will have various options for setting text
wrap for the image.

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