[scribus] Scribus Wiki Blogs

O. Moskalenko malex at scribus.info
Fri Jan 7 23:27:48 CET 2011

To bring the world-renown Scribus Times and Gazette into the 21st century you
humble Scribus Team elves have installed a new MediaWiki extension in the
Scribus Wiki. It's called "Wikilog" and it lets you have your own soapbox in
the Scribus Community. Well, what are you waiting for - start blogging or
commenting already! Oh, if you need some help make sure to visit the Santa's
Blogging Workshop at http://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/Help:Wikilog.

Scribus Times and Gazette can be found at

If you are a registered wiki user you can create a blog by going to a
page in the "Blog" namespace. For instance, to create a blog about a Scribus
Festival you are planning you could go to
and click on the "Weblog" menu in the menu bar. You'll be given an option to
create this blog. The rest is easy.



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