[scribus] align and distribute

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 9 15:45:59 UTC 2011

On 07/09/2011 09:53 AM, Adrienne Carmack wrote:
> Well, now it worked right in the first instance but it isn't working in the others.
> What I have is several pages of text that are autoflowed. I have certain quotes that are pulled out and displayed in a different font within a text frame. So I basically have the text frame overlaying the other larger text box with the text wrapping around it. This text frame is what I want positioned precisely between the preceding and following lines of text.
> I could use paragraph styles for these quotes, but we want to apply formatting to the text frame border, and I don't think that is possible if we are using paragraph styles, correct?
So here is where you should try out the script InfoBox: Script > Scribus 
Scripts > InfoBox. This creates a new frame to fit one or more columns, 
with a height and position that you can determine, and of course adjust 
later, and afterward you can give it a color for the border.

It can also be an image frame as the script shows.


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