[scribus] Paragraph Justification

Murray Strome wmstrome at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 01:01:43 UTC 2011

I have created a paragraph style that has the paragraph set to fully justify. It does something like this (I hope the E-Mail preserves the format):

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Nam
auctor felis neque. Praesent  pulvinar  pulvinar  condimentum. 
Mauris  elit  massa,  venenatis  et   tincidunt  in,   hendrerit  a
lacus.   Mauris  congue   posuere  risus   nec  sodales.    Sed
lobortis congue consequat. Cras pretium dui quis dolor ultrices
ultrices.   Pellentesque  habitant  morbi  tristique  senectus  et
netus                    et                  malesuada                fames.

whereas I think it should be more like this:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Nam

auctor felis neque. Praesent  pulvinar  pulvinar  condimentum. 

Mauris  elit  massa,  venenatis  et   tincidunt  in,   hendrerit  a

lacus.   Mauris  congue   posuere  risus   nec  sodales.    Sed

lobortis congue consequat. Cras pretium dui quis dolor ultrices

ultrices.   Pellentesque  habitant  morbi  tristique  senectus  et

netus et malesuada fames.

If there is only one short word on the last line, it will do it correctly (at least what I think is correct). However, with two or more words on the last line, it spaces it out.

I should probably be spending more time searching for the answer on line or in my book, but after spending some time at it, I thought that it might be more efficient to ask the advice of people with more expertise than I.

I do have a clumsy work-around. I format the whole text frame with full justification. Then for those last lines that are two spread out, I make each a new paragraph that is just left justified. This seems like a lot of work, but it does do the job.


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