[scribus] Menu entries

john Culleton John at wexfordpress.com
Wed Nov 23 15:48:55 UTC 2011

Can't find the particular post but for the poster who makes up
menus with the entree justified left and the price justified
right I suggest two text frames, side by side, same font size and
baseline skip, but left one one set ragged right and the rght one
set ragged left. To add/delete a menu item requires editing both

I did the reverse of this (left frame ragged left, right frame
ragged right) for a list of info about a book on review copies. 
This is also handy for a fancy TOC, with an optional vertical bar "|"
between chapter name and page number like this:

        Chapter One|6
        Chapter Two|23
In Scribus the vertical bars will align perfectly forming a
vertical rule. (In email maybe not.) 

John Culleton
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