[scribus] [Fwd: Using Scribus for book-signature layout]

bobparham at comcast.net bobparham at comcast.net
Fri Oct 14 14:39:41 UTC 2011

On 10/11/2011 1:11 AM, Peter Linnell wrote:
> ---
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> In looking for page-layout software within the price range of my
> non-existent budget, I found and downloaded Scribus and GhostWriter.
> I have already laid out a book using Publish 2007, all seventy-two pages on
> nineteen double-sided folios.  A copy of the master has been cut and is
> ready to bind.
> However, I would like to do the lay-out in in three-sheet signatures of
> twelve pages, since glueing may prove better with folds than with single
> edges.
> The page number lay-out for the first signature should be:
> Sheet 1 of Signature 1, recto, left to right:  Page 12&  Page 01
> Sheet 1 of Signature 1, verso, left to right:  Page 02&  Page 11
> Sheet 2 of Signature 1, recto, left to right:  Page 10&  Page 03
> Sheet 2 of Signature 1, verso, left to right:  Page 04&  Page 09
> Sheet 3 of Signature 1, recto, left to right:  Page 08&  Page 05
> Sheet 3 of Signature 1, verso, left to right, Page 06&  Page 07
> Page 01 is blank.
> Page 02 is blank.
> Page 03 is the Title Page (not marked with page number).
> Page 04 is the copyright page (not marked with page number.
> Page 05 is the Dedication Page (no page number or title banner).
> Page 06 is the blank reverse of the Dedication Page.
> Page 07 is the Acknowledgments Page (no page number or title banner).
> Page 08 is the blank reverse of the Acknowledgments Page.
> Page 09 is the Table of Contents (page ix in the bottom right-hand corner,
> in italics).
> Page 10 is the blank reverse of the Table of Contents.
> Page 11 is page 1 of the text body (header banner has the title on the
> outside and the page number on the inside.
> Page 12 is the blank reverse of the Introduction.
> Page 13 would be on the right end of the recto of Sheet 4, Signature 2
> The book is 5.25 inches wide with half-inch margins all the way around
> except for the gutter, which is three-quarters of an inch wide.  It is 8.5
> inches high and about three-eighths of an inch thick.  The dimensions were
> determined by my itsy-bitsy budget and the need to use letter-sized
> photographic paper for the cover.
> Can Scribus be used to accomplish this?
> Sincerely,
> Christine Wolfe, author
> the,ubiquitous.wolfe at gmail.com

For what it's worth, I am in the process of writing a book using 
Scribus. It will be similar to the one you describe and will be 5 ½ X 8 
½ containing probably about 150 pages. I will only need a few copies 
initially for family members and am printing 8 ½ X 11 sheets front and 
back for my signatures. These are then folded in half. So far, I have 
printed 44 pages for the initial copy.

I am using my PDF XChange Reader which arranges the pages to print 
properly on the sheets using Multi Page Printing. The kind people at 
Tracker Software who provide this software have been gracious enough to 
help me solve a problem that comes up when doing this printing on an ink 
jet printer. This problem has to deal with improper margins that come 
about because of the unprintable area that inkjets provide to eliminate 
the possibility of spraying ink into the case when printing too close to 
the edge of the sheet. This unprintable area is added to the margins 
created in Scribus which makes the margins too wide and in turn shrinks 
the width of the body text.

Finally, I plan to produce a cover using Scribus and bind the initial 
copies personally as paperbacks. If I have copies run by a commercial 
printer, they can do their own imposition.

If you have further questions about this process, please contact me.

Bob P.

*Bob Parham*

*People may forget what you did and people may forget what you said but
people will never forget how you made them feel.


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