[scribus] createCharStyle: is this syntax right?

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 3 21:32:16 UTC 2011

On 09/03/2011 05:14 PM, Fred Zimmerman wrote:
> I don't understand the relationship between createCharStyle and
> createParaStyle.  I want the ParaStyles below all to use small caps as
> described in the CharStyle.
> createCharStyle(name="Cover_Default", font= "LTC Italian Old
> Style",fontsize=11, features = 'smallcaps')
> createParagraphStyle("Title", linespacingmode=1,alignment=1)
> createParagraphStyle("Subtitle",linespacingmode=1, alignment=1)
> createParagraphStyle("Byline",linespacingmode=1, alignment=1)
> createParagraphStyle("NimbleLogoStyle",linespacingmode=1, alignment=1)
> createParagraphStyle("Body", linespacingmode=1, alignment=3)
> createParagraphStyle("Spine Title", linespacingmode=1, alignment=0)
> createParagraphStyle("NimbleN", linespacingmode=1, alignment=1)

I haven't worked with this yet, but it looks like a last parameter for a 
paragraph style can be a string for the character style.

So at the end you might have

createParagraphStyle("NimbleN", linespacingmode=1, alignment=1, "Cover 

I don't know how many parameters you must have. With createCharStyle you 
can't skip unused parameter, you have to have something in there, even 
if it is 0.


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