[scribus] Justification and Tab

Ted Powell ted at psg.com
Tue May 29 20:31:27 UTC 2012

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:27:53PM +0300, Jean-Luc Waber wrote:
> I try to have justified text like this:
> First Group	<TAB> with a corresponding paragraph, justified.
> Next Group	<TAB> next justified paragraph.
> etc.

I think what you are asking for is:

    First Group         with a corresponding
                        paragraph, justified
                        i.e. with both edges
                        straight except  for
                        the last line.

    Next Group          next justified para-

I've repeated your example to make it clear that while the stuff on the
right occupies more than one line, the stuff on the left does NOT. If
this is not what you wanted, please provide a more clear example.

This example was just typed in, and of course needs a constant-width
font to look right, since it does not contain any tabs.

I did it for real just now (with Scribus 1.4.1, but I'm sure it's been
possible for a long time) as follows:

Create a text area.

I should have defined a paragraph style, but for only two paragraphs I
didn't bother.

Set the first-line left margin where you want the First Group and Next
Group to be left-aligned. Set the following-lines left margin AND a
"left" tab stop where you want the left edge of the paragraphs to be.

Set the "justified" property.

Type "First Group", a tab, "with a corresponding..." and just keep typing
to the end of the paragraph. Repeat for each tag and paragraph.

If you actually meant that the left sides could be multiline, is it OK
for the first line on the right to line up with the last line of the tag?

Ted Powell <ted at psg.com>   http://psg.com/~ted/

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