[scribus] Pre-flight warnings

Mark Stevens fmas at post4.tele.dk
Mon Dec 2 12:35:43 UTC 2013

Got started with Scribus recently and seem to have got the hang of most things.
Fairly simple to get started with, but I have a couple of issues that I hope someone might enlighten me with.
After finshing a page and saving it, I do a Preflight check.
I don't understand the warnings I get, for example: 
Side 1, warning Text4 text overrun, then a black square, then 'Background'
(My windows machine is running Danish, so the text is actually in Danish.)
When I mark one of these warnings, I see the text area, but fail to see why there is a warning.
If I make the page into a pdf, and print, there are no faults.
Secondly, I have about 50 pages, but dont see how I can view them together, unless exporting them all to pdf.
OK, so I am used to Word, where I can minimise and see nearly all the pages in one documment.
Is this possible in Scribus now or ever?

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